Ok, I admit it took me a while. But hey, I finally did it and I’m so relieved to wipe it from my todo list 🙂 In order to say thanks for the patience, I’ll have a special deal for you:

The tutorial is divided into three parts. You’ll get part 1 and 3 for free and the 2nd part, the C.O.F.F.E.E. part, will be only $6.99 instead of $16.99. I figured that due to such a long period of waiting, I can’t fully charge you anymore. There even has been a new Cinema 4D release in the meantime.

Anyways, go check out the previews and the table of contents below, grab a glass of cold orange juice and enjoy almost two hours of advanced Cinema 4D training.

Teaser animation

Table of contents

Part 1

  1. Environment
  2. Camera setup
  3. Modelling the glassbox
  4. Texturing the glassbox
  5. Dynamics setup for the “Hero”
  6. Modelling the collider
  7. Collision detection with XPresso
  8. Thinking Particles emitter

Part 2

  1. C.O.F.F.E.E.
  2. if / else statements
  3. loop statements
  4. Thinking Particles geometry
  5. Thinking Particles interactions
  6. dynamic blog positioning / animation

Part 3

  1. Blob dynamics
  2. Boole object setup
  3. Metaballs
  4. Blob textures
  5. Multipass inspection


Part 1 – watch now for free!

Part 2 – watch preview, buy full tutorial down below!

Part 3 – watch now for free!


The download only contains part 2 of the tutorials. If you also want to have the video files of part 1 and part 3 you can download them for free at vimeo (click links).