Garden in Istria. CG artwork by Kizo using Cinema 4D, Corona Render and shrubs of Laubwerk Plants Kit 9
The following 10 shrubs and bushes species are included in the Plants Kit 9. Each species comes in 36 variations per species, i.e. 3 variants, 3 ages and 4 seasonal aspects, for a total of 360 models per Kit.
Berberis thunbergii ‘Atropurpurea’
Small, deciduous shrub with a dense, arching, broad-rounded shape. Spiny, brown stems and green to redish shoots. Broadly oval, reddish-purple leaves that turn into attractive shades of orange, yellow and red in autumn. Tiny, scented, pale yellow flowers appear from mid spring to early summer. Glossy red berries, which are attractive to birds, mature during late summer and autumn and often persist through the winter. This ornamental shrub is always a spectacular addition to gardens and landscapes where it brings a strong color accent from spring to even winter.
Chaenomeles japonica
Low-growing, thorny, densely-branched, deciduous shrub with an upright, spreading shape. Spiny, often-tangled, gray-brown twigs. Coarsely-toothed, broad-oval, green leaves. Five-petaled, orange-scarlet flowers bloom before the leaves unfold in late winter/early spring. Small, apple-shaped fruits (commonly called quinces) of greenish-yellow color turn golden-yellow color and ripen in early autumn. Ripe fruits are fragrant. Best known for its bloom in profusion for a few weeks creating a showy floral display.
Cornus mas
Slow-growing, deciduous large shrub, rarely a small tree with a wide, horizontal, bushy, pendent, shaggy habit. Dark brown branches and greenish twigs. Scaly, exfoliating bark develops on mature trunks. Oposite, ovate to elliptic, glossy green leaves above and pale green below turning yellow-orange in autumn. Sweet-smelling, yellow flowers on short stalks bloom in late winter to early spring before the leaves emerge in dense, showy, rounded clusters (umbels). Ellipsoid, scarlet-coloured, cherry-sized fruits and mature to cherry red in mid-summer. It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit in 1924.
Deutzia gracilis
Small, deciduous shrub with an erect and bushy habit and slender, broadly spreading to arching stems. Brown to red-brown bark and yelow-green twigs. Opposite, ovate to lanceolate, deep green leaves turning yellow-brown in autumn. Tiny, fragrant, bell-shaped, white flowers in upright, numerous loose racemes appear in spring and early summer. Spectacular bloom puts on an effective springtime display, quite unremarkable the rest of the year. Attractive to bees and butterflies.
Hamamelis virginiana
Autumn-blooming, deciduous shrub or small tree with arching branches, often with a dense cluster of stems from its base, with an open, wide vase-shaped habit. Grey-brown, smooth bark. Oval to obovate, hairy, medium to dark green leaves and paler below with wavy margins turning yellow-orange to orange-red in autumn. Stem-hugging clusters of fragrant, pale-yellow, sometimes orange or reddish, scented, spidery flowers. Fruits are greenish seed capsules that become woody and light brown with age.
Rhododendron ‘Amoena’
Small, evergreen shrub with a upright, dense, compact spreading habit. Brown bark. Small, oval, midgreen leaves. Masses of brash, showy, magenta-pink blooms in spring. This neat, attractive azalea is prized for the clusters of profuse spring flowers that literally cover the plant.
Spiraea x vanhouttei
Medium-sized, deciduous shrub, vase-shaped with dense branching that arches gracefully toward the ground, ground, making an open airy mounded habit. Smooth, brown bark. Small, rhombic to obovate, coarsely serrate, dark blue-green, alternate leaves. Autumn leaf color is usually undistinguished but attractive purplish hues may sometimes develop. Tiny white flowers in umbellate clusters profusely cover the leafy branching in spring. Particularly noted for its showy spring bloom.
Symphoricarpos albus
Small, deciduous shrub with a bushy, rounded habit forming a neat thicket with arching branches. Smooth, grey-brown bark. Oblong-elliptic to rounded, opposite, dull green leaves, underside blue-green, differing in size and shape, producing little fall color. Tiny, bell-shaped, white to pink flowers bloom in clusters in summer and attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Flowers are followed by clusters of fleshy berry-like drupes, initially pale green then ripen to pure white by late summer to early autumn. Fruits remain attractive on the naked winter stem.
Syringa vulgaris
Large, deciduous shrub or multi-stemmed small tree with an upright, vase-shaped, semi open habit. Grey to grey-brown bark, smooth on young stems, longitudinally furrowed, and flaking on older stems. Simple leafs are light green to glaucous, pointed-ovate to heart-shaped, opposite, cordate turning yellow to bronze-red in autumn. Strongly scented, tubular, four-lobed flowers, usually lilac to mauve, or white, which bloom in mid to late spring in large conical to narrow-pyramidal panicles. Flowers give way to loose clusters of smooth, brown, flattened seed capsules, which persist into winter if not removed.
Weigela ‘Eva Rathke’
Medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a dense, upright, wide overhanging habit. Grey-brown bark. Very dark green and showy leaves with serrate margins, insignificant autumn color. Trumpet-shaped flowers are carmine, buds dark crimson. Flowers open in cymes of three or four and bloom profusely in late spring, with a sparse and scattered repeat bloom often occurring in mid to late summer. Flowers are attractive to hummingbirds. Fruit is inconspicuous.
All Laubwerk Plants in this Kit come in 36 variations per species, i.e. 3 variants, 3 ages and 4 seasons. Here are a few examples of the variety:
Spring & summer: 10 out of 360 temperate deciduous tree models of Laubwerk Plants Kit 9.
Autumn: 10 out of 360 temperate deciduous tree models of Laubwerk Plants Kit 9.
Common lilac (Syringa vulgaris) by Mario Kelterbaum using Cinema 4D, Octane Render, and Laubwerk Plants Kit 9