this is an UPDATE option for users who own a OLD rhinoio 1.x license, to switch to the fully new coded “q-rhinoio v2” plugin (new plugin with a similar feature set)
for newer rhino files v6 and v7, and support for new and future c4dversions!
please note this is a COMPLETE NEW WRITTEN PLUGIN, made by our own inhouse development team.
however license holders of the old plugins can swicth to the new lugin at a greatly reduced price.
for sure time only 49..- euro! (later 59.-) for the update..
please enter your new maxon USER ID (in c4d extentions menu/tools/exportlicense overview), AND also your old rhinoio serial into the serial field, and use the same name and company name that you used for the old rhinoio plguins(we need to be able to verify that you had owned the old version)
the old version will continue to run,so this is an additional new preice reduced license in fact. is a new connection and import/export plugin that lets you directly open native Rhino3d (.3dm) files from and into MAXON Cinema 4d.
Rhinoceros 3d could therefore also act as a “NURBS plugin for the Cinema4d“, connecting best of both worlds. Rhino3d’s precise and extensive CAD and NURBS tool set, with Cinema4ds modern and flexible tools. Rhino.IO imported models are also ready to use for any high quality 3rd party engine like Redshift, Arnold, Corona V-RAY, or Octane, etc.
please note after buying you rget a personalized made user serial foryour license, onve this serialis made the sale is final and not refundable. with this serialization process made from you
maxon userid serial you explicit agree to this terms of conditions. The Plugin supports c4d up to c4d 2024 (if you need a version for older c4d(19 or older) please tell us,also this is still available)
please note as any plugin with serials, according to MAXON’s license guide lines this plugin doesn’t load in the FREE Maxon edu version (as this has no serial to license to). it DOES work fine on the normal (non free, but strongly cost reduced) Maxon EDU version. in case of any questions in that regard contact us before activating the plugin.
For more info please visit the Rhino.IO page: