Corona Renderer
Chaos Corona Renderer is the most artist-friendly renderer for 3dsmax and C4D. New features, including GPU rendering with Vantage, Corona Pattern, Chaos Scatter, Chaos Cosmos, Corona Decal, and Corona Slicer, can invigorate your productivity and amplify your creativity.
Chaos® Corona delivers high-quality, physically based shading for production rendering. Be an artist, not a technician, and achieve realism with greater ease than other rendering software.
Corona Renderer is a feisty and capable piece of rendering software that offers just as much under the hood as the titans of the industry, but leaves the hefty price of admission at the door. Whether you are producing photo-realistic images or concept animations, Corona Renderer is the perfect for artists, architecture firms, and design offices to incorporate into their everyday workflow.
Ease Of Use
Usability is Chaos Corona’s most powerful feature. Render setup is as simple as pressing “Render”. Most new users learn Corona in just one day — and fall in love with it in two.
Rendering Quality
Chaos Corona delivers predictable, reliable, and physically plausible results with no compromises in quality. Realistic lighting and materials, including caustics, are yours right out of the box.
Speed & Interactivity
A usable renderer must always deliver final results as fast as possible and react to the user’s actions in a split second. And that is what we are always looking for.
As a relatively young company we have the luxury of being able to do things differently right from the start. We have taken a different approach not only in development but also when creating our pricing options.
Powerful Workflow Tools
The output quality and speed are not the only things that make a great renderer. That is why Corona comes with many “little” workflow tweaks that will make your life much easier.
We understand how important it is to be able to “bend” physical laws to deliver the results your clients expect. So Corona supports numerous reality hacks which allow you to get exactly the effect you desire.
The whole process of creating lights is designed to give artists complete control over their scene, while being fast and intuitive...
Our design goal for Corona materials is to make them physically based, yet intuitive, flexible, and easy to set up.
Distributed Rendering
Rendering with multiple computers at once is essential for any real production. Corona facilitates this in multiple ways – for example it has its own distributed rendering system, and it is compatible with the Backburner and Thinkbox’s Deadline render farm management systems.
Welcome to the Chaos family! As a Corona user, you are backed by the Oscar and Emmy award-winning brand, and you can expand your capabilities with essential tools, guaranteed to integrate smoothly with your favorite render engine...
Proudly CPU Based
Chaos Corona does not need any special hardware to run. It uses the CPU and you can run it on any processor from Intel or AMD released in the past decade.

CPU rendering
Chaos Corona delivers predictable, reliable, and physically plausible results with no compromise in quality. It offers both biased and unbiased rendering solutions, along with a 4K cache. Realistic lighting and materials are available right out of the box.

GPU rendering with Vantage
Render images in seconds with the new Corona to Vantage scene export. Import your Corona scene into Vantage to render still images and create Vantage animations, enjoying the lightning-fast speed of GPU rendering.

Use LightMix to adjust the intensity and color of your lights in the frame buffer, as well as create, save, and load multiple lighting scenarios from just one render.

Extensive post–processing
Save time by eliminating the need for third-party software to perform post-production work on your renders, thanks to the wide range of post-processing tools available directly inside the Corona VFB.

Stills & Animations
Chaos Corona is great for animations as well as stills.

Resumable rendering
With resumable rendering, you can pause your renders in the Virtual Frame Buffer (VFB) and resume them later, enabling a highly flexible workflow.

Enable the Autosave function to save your rendering progress every few minutes in an .exr file. If your render or computer crashes, you'll have the latest progress safely saved.

Procedural Clouds
Procedural Clouds let you control and type of cloud cover, and they are easy to animate. They respond to Sun color and position so work at dawn or at noon, and all with minimal effect on render times.

Corona Pattern
Tile real geometry over a surface with the same ease as you’d tile a texture, for the ultimate in realism all while saving memory. Use it to create fabrics, wire fences, jewelry, and much more.

Chaos Scans
Chaos Scans will give you access to hundreds of realistic materials that are too complex to simulate with regular materials.

Chaos Scans, Player, and Phoenix included in Premium
Included in Premium are three powerful tools from Chaos. Phoenix will let you create realistic simulations of fire, smoke, water and more.

Edge Trimming (Chaos Scatter)
Now you can have control over the edges of your scatters, for keeping those lawns neat and tidy.

Shutter Curve for Motion Blur
Control the amount of blur at the start, middle and end of the motion blur effect, replicating how it looks from a real camera.

Depth of Field for Fisheye Cameras
For artistic purposes (since real world fisheye lenses do not show this effect), you can now add depth of field blurring to scenes rendered from fisheye cameras.

Chaos Player
Chaos Player will give you the ability to edit and post-process your image sequences.

Biased and Unbiased Rendering
Corona Renderer uses a slightly biased solution, very close to being unbiased but considerably reducing render times. This is the recommended solution and works without you having to do any setup whatsoever. Corona Renderer will always deliver crisp, realistic results without splotches, interpolation artifacts or any other visual imperfections.

Fast Caustics Solver lets you easily add caustics to your scene. Once enabled, reflective caustics are calculated automatically for all materials in the scene. You can then enable refractive Caustics per material.

UHD Cache
Corona Renderer merges the best of both worlds – the UHD cache is significantly faster than plain path tracing, but does not suffer from artifacts, missing contact shadows, or complicated UI controls.

Caustics Include/Exclude
Remove unwanted caustics with new Include/Exclude options.

Customisable Tone Mapping
Get the exact final look you want with new operators such as Tone Curve and Advanced Filmic Mapping, all in a user-configurable stack of operators so you can add, delete, and move them as necessary.

Cryptomatte support
Generate industry-standard Cryptomattes, making it easy to isolate and adjust individual components in your render in post.

Easy to Understand
Our mission with Corona Renderer is to liberate users from technical and unnatural processes. We are constantly trying to simplify the creative process by removing or hiding any unnecessary technical settings, so that artists can focus on their vision. The era of studying manuals and tweaking sampling is over. Just press render and let Corona do its magic.

Artist Friendly
Corona Renderer is developed in tight cooperation with the artist community. Its creators are former artists as well, so this collective knowledge and experience plays a huge role in the design and on–going development.

Use the Tools you Like
Corona Renderer is compatible with a huge range of third-party plugins, so you can continue to use any tools you already have integrated into your workflow - whether you are using Corona's Interactive Rendering or doing a final render, you can keep right on using Q-GEOtexture, Q-TILE-PRO and many more.

Chaos Scatter
Place trees, rocks, grass, flowers, cars in a parking lot, and other objects where randomization or repetition is required.

Chaos Cosmos
Instant access to a huge collection of assets, materials, and HDRI skies, right from within your 3D host application.

Interactive Rendering
Corona Renderer aims to make you faster as well as your renders, with a workflow that is second–to–none. Thanks to its fully–featured Interactive Rendering, Corona Renderer brings you all the same advantages as a GPU render engine but without any of the drawbacks and limitations.

The denoising feature analyzes noise in the 3D space, so is not just a 2D post–process. You can use it to reduce the number of passes needed to get a noise–free image, with render time reductions of 50 to 70% reported to us by third parties in commercial usage (not in carefully crafted test scenes!). It will also remove fireflies (hot pixels) from an image, and can be used only in that mode if required. Corona Rendere use NVIDIA OptiX denoiser or Intel AI Denoising to achieve best results in no time.

All types of geometry and instances are supported, as are almost all Cinema4D native and 3rd party shaders, including the Cinema 4D shaders Beat, Bitmap, Brick, Checkerboard, Cloud, Color, Color(MoGraph), Colorizer, Cyclone, Display Color, Distorter, Earth, Falloff, Filter, Fire, Flame, Formula, Fresnel, Fusion, Galaxy, Gradient, Layer, Lens Distortion, Marble, Metal, Multi, Noise, Normal Direction, Pavement, Pixel, Planet, Polygon Hair, Posterizer, Projector, Proximal, Ripple, Rust, Simple Noise, Simple Turbolence, Spline, Starfield, Stars, Substance Shader, Sunburst, Thin Film, Tiles, Variation, Venus, Vertex Map, Water, Weathering, Wood. Full support of Cinema 4D native material layering and Cinema 4D native lights.

Efficient Handling of Many Lights
Corona handles scenes with many lights without problems and with no penalty to render time, so that you don’t have to worry about trying to optimize your scene.

Adaptive Image Sampling
This balances out the rendering calculations over the image to focus more processing power on tricky areas like shadows. By keeping noise more evenly distributed, this gives a usable image more quickly, and also allows Denoising to work its magic.

Corona Slicer
Use the Corona Slicer material to cut away sections of geometry at render time. You can cut with any shape that has the Slicer material applied, and even add caps to the exposed surfaces.

Flexible Lights
You can make any light source invisible to the camera, as well as invisible to reflections/refractions. Shadows can be turned on or off, and specific objects can be included/excluded from receiving illumination from any Corona light. Backplates can be easily created with the invisible to GI option.

Rayswitcher Material
The Rayswitcher material and texture allow a wide range of artistic tweaks when rendering with Corona. Use them to create materials invisible to camera, to create materials that don’t affect GI, to reduce or increase color bleeding, to have an object show differently when it is reflected vs. viewed directly, and more.

Environment Overrides
You can use different environment maps for reflections, refractions and direct visibility from the camera. For example, you can use a clear sky HDRI as a light source and a second cloudy HDRI just for reflections and refractions.

Shadow Catcher
Corona implements its own shadow catcher (matte/shadow) solution. It is a single material with all the necessary controls in one place – there is no need to combine special materials with other special texmaps. It works especially well with our interactive rendering for rapid camera and illumination matching. Advanced features, such as light illuminators and matte bump mapping, are of course supported.

VR Support
Using a Corona Camera, you can export images in Spherical or Cubemap format ready for viewing in a wide range of VR applications. While stereoscopic and panoramic images can be used in any VR software of your choice.

Corona Sun and Sky System
Corona Renderer was the first production render engine to implement the most accurate sky system available today – the Hošek-Wilkie sky. It is currently selected as the default whenever sun and sky is used, so adding those to your scene will get you instant realistic daylight.

Corona Lights and Corona Light Material
There is no difference in behavior between a Corona Light object and a geometry object with the Corona Light Material applied – both of them have almost the same options and deliver the same results, so it is up to the artist to use what is more convenient!

No More Dome Lights for HDRI
There’s no need to set up an object to act as a dome light for HDR image–based rendering – just put your HDRI into the 3D software’s environment and you are done! There is also no need to put downsampled / blurred versions of the map into a GI override slot – HDRIs in Corona always work fast and without splotches, regardless of resolution or complexity.

Interactive LightMix
With just a single click, you can set up the Interactive LightMix, a feature unique to Corona Renderer that lets you change the color and intensity of lights during or after rendering.
Dome Mapping for Environments(Cinema 4D only, already exists in 3ds Max)
Ideal for automotive visualizations, product renders, and more, this mode “sticks” your 3D objects in place within the environment map as you move the camera around.

Corona Material
Our design goal for Corona materials is to make them physically based, yet intuitive, flexible, and easy to set up, without having to tweak unnecessary sampling values and other confusing parameters. You also won’t have to choose between 10 or 20 different material types, you can pretty much do it all using the single Corona Material.

GGX & PBR Workflow
Corona Renderer uses the GGX microfacet model to deliver realistic–looking metals and other glossy materials. Our implementation of the GGX model fully conforms to the industry standard physically–based rendering (PBR) workflow.

Cinema4D Hair support
Full support of Cinema 4D native Hair Object and Cinema 4D native Hair Material in the Cinema 4D Hair Tag. Corona Hair Material can be used in addition to Cinema 4D Hair Material for realistic hair appearance.

Material Preview
Material previewing uses the same rendering engine as the final frame rendering. “What You See Is What You Get” representation in material editor.

Corona Renderer's 2.5D Displacement lets you achieve detailed and accurate displacement while still optimizing parsing times and memory usage.

Dedicated Skin Shader
Skin is one of the most complex materials to render, with many unique properties that cannot be covered in an all–purpose shader. The new Corona Skin Material makes it easy to control and adjust the look of the skin, and renders fast and efficiently with realistic results.

Simple Setup of SSS Materials
Corona Renderer’s implementation in the all–purpose Corona Material makes it simple. It doesn’t need any sampling controls, as all sampling is done automatically.

True 3D Volume Material
The Corona Volume Material offers an “Inside Volume” mode for true 3D volumetric materials. For example, by using a 3D noise map, you can have fog that varies in density in true 3D throughout the scene.

Material Conversion
Cinema 4D lights and basic materials are rendered out–of–the–box using implicit conversion inside Corona without user interaction
also basic implicit support for V–Ray Advanced, Standard, Displacement and 2–Sided materials. Explicit user–initiated conversion, which converts the supported Cinema 4D materials, V–Ray lights and V–Ray materials to their Corona counterparts to allow further tweaking and changes in Corona.

Dedicated Hair Shader
You can’t have a great skin shader without also having a great hair shader! Corona Renderer’s dedicated hair shader keeps with our philosophy of delivering physical realistic results, fast rendering, and a simple UI.

Some refractive materials bend light by a different amount depending on the wavelength of the light. This is called dispersion and creates a rainbow effect in the refracted light. Dispersion can be enabled in the standard Corona Material, and is controlled by the single Abbe number parameter. Enabling it adds realism to gemstones, glass, liquids and other materials. Dispersion also works with Caustics.

Material Overrides
For quick tests, or even for debugging a scene, it can be useful to override the materials with one simple material. This is easy to set up in Corona, with options that let you leave some materials (such as portals, glass, or light materials) unaffected by the override.

Corona Decal
Easily add surface details or imperfections such as scratches, craters, cracks, smudges, splatters, and more, including displacement.

Adjustable PBR Reflection Tail
With this new parameter for the Corona Physical Material, you can create blurred reflections for metals to give a softer look with more “depth” to the material. It correctly affects caustics, too.

Corona Curvature Map
Add dirt or wear-and-tear derived from how quickly the surface is curving at that point.
Auto Discovery of Render Slaves
The search process is automatic and Corona Renderer can even search for render nodes during rendering – render nodes will connect and disconnect automatically as you turn the computers on or off, without stopping the render!
Slaves Automatically Gather Missing Assets
When using Corona DR, you don’t have to give a second thought to where your assets are located – slaves will automatically gather models and textures before rendering.
Fast and Simple
Corona DR works with adaptivity, respect VFB render regions, while the UI keeps you informed of the status of all the slaves, how much memory they are using, and how many passes they have contributed to the current render.
€ 358.80
Fixed license on one computer
Includes all Corona integrations
Includes support
Chaos Cosmos content library
€ 454.80
Floating license on any computer
Includes all Corona integrations
Includes support
Chaos Cosmos content library
Chaos Phoenix
Chaos Player
Chaos Scans
Icons made by srip from www.flaticon.com