We put a lot of passion and time into creating TILE-PRO – More than 3.5 years of development had been invested.
The result might be the most powerful Tile Shader tool available on any platform.
It supports C4D r18-r2023, the FULL bundle includes 3 Plugins# 400 shape libs:
Q-TILE-PRO | tile shader*
Q-TILE-PRO | SoftPatch*
Q-TILE-PRO | deformshader
To provide an easy workflow, we bundled Q-TILE-PRO with over 400 ready to use tile shapes, as extra bonus in the Q-TILE-PRO | Full bundle!
Create THOUSANDS of high end, seamless & high resolution materials, EASY direct inside C4D, tailored exactly to your needs with the unique Q-TILE-PRO tile shader system. – Supports also SCANNED textures as input!

Made by 3d C4D artist for 3d C4D artists! We are long term C4d users ourselves since C4D v7, and make the tools we think are needed for C4D.

Our products offer friendly and PERPETUAL LIFETIME licenses which never expire! You own your plugin license. We also include 1 year free support & maintenance for all. See also the very affordable Multi seat license offers!

Q-TILE-PRO | tileshader is a c4d native shader tool, deeply integrated into Cinema 4D supports MAXON Cinema 4D R18-R26(OSX intel/Win 64), C4D R2023 Windows & OSX Intel and M1.

Q-TILE-PRO runs direct within C4D code and supports all 3rd party render engines, direct as c4d shader and/or via baked output as bitmap via the integrated baking system!
Q-TILE-PRO | tile shader
The worlds most advanced tile shader, with 1 click seamless material/texture baking.
Create seamless Textures and materials of highest quality, any tiling or NON tiling type of surfaces, direct within C4D.
Use it direct as shader or1 click bake it into highest detail PBR bitmaps [4,8,16k+]
- A high quality tile shader plugin directly inside Cinema 4d to create high end seamless textures and PBR materials, that can be 1 click exported to seamless high res bitmaps, or rendered also directly inside corona render
- Results compatible with any render engine in any platform (PBR compatible)
- Create any tiled, structured or also structure-less texture surfaces
- Includes high end shape editor and procedural shapes top create any shape you can imagine
- Tile editor supports precise drawing of shapes, with detailed snapping, including subdivision shapes, use grids for real world sizes
- Import c4d splines to create complex tile shapes
- Optional Procedural tile generators for easy fast and easy use
- Create textures and surfaces in scan texture quality level, but without visible repetitions, covering also huge sizes (5m, 10m, 15m, 50m,…)
- Create surfaces and textures in very high”resolutions (4,8,16,24k, 32k….)
- Deep randomization controls of any kind, for tiles, textures, colors, shapes, shape borders and gaps in between
- Fill shapes with any number of textures or sub-shaders (automatic folder content loading)
- Make nested shaders (tile shader in tile shader), supports 2d c4d shaders or bitmaps as input
- Use high end scan textures as input and make them visually “endless” to avoid ugly repetitions
- User normal or small scale textures (like from internet) and create high end surfaces out of it.
- Use Softpatch mode to generate endless non repeating structurless surfaces out of bitmaps
- Use the very fast Q-TILE-PRO fully multi threaded 1 clock auto baker to bake ful materials into (PBR) bitmap channels, and revert them back in case to tilepro(!)
- Bake to 8, 16 or 32bit (also HDRIs)
- Use Q-TILE-PRO shader, or its baked Q-TILE-PRO bitmap in any texture slot you want of any material or any light (diffuse, albedo, metallic, reflection color, glossy, bump, normal, displacement, alpha, lumiance, lights, HDRI dome light channels, environments
- Stack up Q-TILE-RPO sets in any number of layers, with full blend and masking control, to build up complex materials (leaves on base surface, wet surfaces, compound surfaces, etc.)
- Mix and tune HDRI textures and light textures to create your own hdri environment and lighting
- Save and load your tile shapes in the Q-TILE-PRO library browser
- Q-TILE-PRO generated bitmaps can be used in any render engine (Corona, V-Ray, Redshift, Octane, Unreal, D5 and Arnold, Twinmotion,…)

- Q-TILE-PRO | C4D tile shader plugin, with tile shape editor
- Q-TILE-PRO | C4D Softpatch shader plugin
- Q-TILE-PRO | C4D deformation shader
- Life time & perpetual license
- 1 year free support and free updates
- No monthly costs/ fees or payments
- Q-TILE-PRO | C4D library system (save, load, manage Q-TILE-PRO shape and shader libs)
- Growing Q-TILE-PRO | shape library, already 300+ shapes shipping for easy use [in the FULL BUNDLE PRODUCT included, or available as separate add-on]
- Growing Q-TILE-PRO | shader and material library, now in .lib4d format (with example scenes) [in the FULL BUNDLE PRODUCT included, or available as separate add-on]
- The producer, Qucumber.at is a subdivision of LAUBlab alpha GmbH, based in Vienna, Austria. They are doing Archviz since 1997, and C4D plugins since more than 15 years.
- We use all our plugins ourselves in our archviz studio “archaic.at”, our plugins like Q-TILE-PRO, Q-GEOtexture, or Q-UV-Spline Deformer, are here to stay for long time, and all plugins made by our developer team, will be updated also for future c4d versions.
- Stephan Laub, the CEO of the company, is trained architect, and doing visualization since 1997 and c4d artist since c4d v7.
- The Plugin idea % concept is created by Stephan Laub. The qucumber.at development team is “REMO”/Remotion4d (Igor Schulz) & Renato Tarabella, for some plugins also AT2 in addition.

We made the Q-TILE-PRO | tile shader system to enable artists to re-create any kind of repeating or non repeating material structures we see in the real world, in a highly realistic way. The Tile Pro Tile Shader works like a normal c4d shader, directly in C4D, with detailed control on tile shapes, texture customization & randomization. It work with any c4d compatible render engine (via its included baking feature), and can be used in any 3rd party material slots/channels as shader or via the texture result (Albedo/Diff./ Glossy/Refl./Bump/Normal/Displ./Cutout/ etc.)

The Q-TILE-PRO | tile shader system plugin set is a new artist driven tool + set of libraries, to generate ANY REPEATING patterns like tiles, floors, pavements, bricks, panels, roofs, facades, concrete tiles, stones, marble, meshes,… or also for making exact the opposite – ANY NON REPEATING , “structure less ” surfaces, like for example solving the problem of big texture areas like asphalt, concrete, plaster, gravel, sand surfaces. We hope you will like and enjoy our new Q-Tile-Pro plugin, same as we do! – the Archaic.at/LAUBlab team
Q-TILE-PRO | tile shader system | features

Deep & Seamless C4d Integration
Q-Tile-Pro is deeply integrated into Cinema 4D and runs natively inside the C4D interface. it can be used like a shader, and you can place any c4d shader and c4d bitmap inside it. it extends the c4d feature set in new ways to build high end surfaces.
you can use it in any render engine which natively supports c4d shaders like for example Corona or V-Ray. Redshift supports C4D shader via its c4d node and bakes it in render time for gpu use. Other gpu engine like Octane, or cloud render service like V-Ray cloud, renderfarms, standalone/DR render systems etc. can use it via the build in autobaking from the q-tile pro plugins

Build in Custom Tile and Pattern Editor
Your imagination is the limit, the Q-Tile-Pro comes with its own shape and pattern editor system, where you can draw any polygonal or free form shapes. In addition it can import any c4d splines, also grouped ones, that will be transformed into shape polygons for direct use inside the Q-Tile-Pro surface engine. any patterns and shapes can be saved into a library for later use.
The plugin [*with full bundle product] comes already with 2 shape libraries included, with around 300 +predefined library items that can be used right away. The Q-Tile-Pro editor makes seamless patterns in any ways easy to produce, with its special “endless ” canvas system.

Any Repeating Structure With Variation
Q-Tile-Pro is designed to let you create any repeating or semi repeating surface structures, any free for shapes you can imagine are possible! it is enabling you at the same time to keep deep and precise randomization and variation control within the surface, like we see it in in most real world surfaces.
You can generate any kind of things like for example any tiles, panels, roofs, floors, parqet, wood floors, bricks, walls, glass facades, concrete surfaces, stones walls and floors, leaves on floor, and many more with it, all with natural look like in real world.

Any Big NON Repeating Surfaces
Due its nature, Q-Tile-Pro proofed in our tests also to shine in generating actually the contrary of tiles. Via soft edges random patches, one can generate great structure less, non repeating “endless” surfaces.
It can break up any bitmap or shader to not show the usual repeating patters which we all know too well. Also good seamless textures usually show this issue if you zoom out a bit. Q-Tile pro is a problem solver here, finally also huge textured surfaces like asphalt, concrete, plaster, sand, gravel, etc. without any visible repetitions are possible with Q-Tile-Pro!

Shapes Have Its Own Mapping System
The Q-Tile-Pro, has its own integrated mapping system. all patterns and shapes and also the space between the shapes (the “mortar”) made with the Tile editor can have its own mapping, or a mapping that spans over all times, or a mixture of both.
Each shape mapping can have its own mapping variation, in random or controlled uv offset, random or controlled rotation, random or controlled scale. via the layering system you can also mix such mapping things via the tiles. each shape can have its own texture or c4d shader, again also layered, for endless possibilities and precise mapping control.

Deep Control of Tex placement
The Tile Editor has a texture ID feature which can be used to precisely assign textures to any shape, and not loose control over that.
In addition one can use random shuffle or cycle textures in several ways to randomize the placement or control the texture placement via another shader or texture input.
You can even use another texture input to drive the texture assignment of the tiles, this makes also mosaic like surfaces easy to achieve.
We added all types of texture placement controls we could imagine – if you find anything not included, tell us your wish and we will build it in if it is technically possible!

Use Any Number Of Textures or Shaders
Q-Tile Pro can place “any” number of textures and or c4d shaders or mixes of both, only ram is the limit. You can use the c4d layer shader, c4d noise, bitmaps or any other surface shader in it. One can also automatic load a full folder of textures for easy and import a large number of textures at once click. Each texture import can be separately controlled in size, strength of its mix multiplier, UV offset and local shader rotation.
You can assign a texture id to each imported bitmap or shader, to precisely place or randomly assign the texture to a tile shape or pattern. This enables you to generate surfaces like parquet, wood floors, stone floors or walls, or brick patterns in a few clicks. a good variation of textures result in more natural appearance. Each texture is only used one time in ram, even if you place many copies of it within the tile shader.

Deep Randomization Control
Realism in surfacing comes due the variation and irregularities in a surface, this is a key element! Q-Tile_Pro has an extensive set of randomization and variation control for its surfaces and textures used.
one can randomize the placed textures in color, brightness, add random inclination (great for displacement), rotation scale and offset, these random attributes will not repeat even over the repeating tiles.
Furthermore it offers shape edge bevel and rounding, texture driven shape edge erosion, mortar settings to control/generate a controlled void between the shapes, texture driven edge dirt (similar to V-ray dirt) on each tile shape, all with custom editable falloff curves.

Vertical Layering System
The Q-Tile-Pro allows you to stack shape polygon sets also “vertically” on top of each other.
mortar surfaces can be transparent to show the layer below, or we also allow various mix controls of the full layers. Each layer has full shape control and can have its own shapes, textures and randomization setting.
In reality many surfaces are actually such stacks, and Q-Tile-Pro layering allows you to recreate such sets. that way you can easy and fully controlled build up stacks material surfaces, or combinations of elements , like leaves on a floor or hybrid materials that mix certain surface aspects.

For Any Material Channels
The Q-Tile Pro can be used like a shader, and placed into any shader or texture slot within c4d. it works in native c4d materials or also any 3rd party material which allows c4d shaders to be placed. auto baked bitmaps can be used in any engine also in case.
You can use Q-Tile-Pro to control the diffuse/albedo channels, or the glossy/roughness, reflection color, in luminance channels for self illuminated or as light textures. Of course also as bump, normal map (via build in normal map mode), metalness, or4 as weight map and cutout, and of course to drive displacement which is essential for natural irregular surfaces.

Friendly PERPETUAL Licenses
We offer classic perpetual licenses which never runs out!
And we tried to price the tool very fair, even though it was very much work to make it. Q-Tile Pro was made with passion and thousands of work hours had been invested. One should be able to get in the cost in one or very few projects. We are convicted that Q-Tile-Pro can save you a lot of time in your projects and bring your surface and material quality to a next level.
One year free updates and support are free included, after that we will offer very fair priced update options.
For team or studios that need more than one License we offer very attractive bundle prices!
Q-TILE-PRO | tile shader system - LICENSE & PRICE INFO
The Q-Tile-Pro surface engine runs free within Team render or render nodes. It never expires. It does not “call home” and doesn’t need any online activation! it is allowed to install floating on 2 Computers(“notebook” licenses) per licenses, but run only 1 at a time of course.
It runs in C4D r19, r20 and r21,22,23. For r19 & r20 it takes your first 11 digits of your c4d serial to generate its license, for r21,22,23 your profile ID. Please note that the special priced bundle/multi license options do need to be licenses for the same MAXON profile ID in C4D r21,22,23.
- We now offer also the QTPro SOFTPATCH plugin as separate option
- Create 'endless', visually non repeating, seamless, non-tiled surfaces in ONE CLICK
- Can be upgraded for 129.- to the full Q-TILE-PRO bundle
- perpetual license + all 1.x updates FREE
Q-TILE-PRO [All included]
- Reduced QTP BUNDLE Price of 99.- (Special]
- Includes TILEPRO
- Includes SOFTPATCH
- Includes Deform shader
- Includes extra shape libraries with 400+ shapes & QTP starter shader presets*
- Includes FREE Teamrender/Rendernode for inhouse use rendering
- perpetual LIFETIME license + All 1.x updates FREE
TEX MEGA Bundle- Get both, GEO-texture plugin AND the Q-TILE-PRO plugin, at a greatly reduced price!
- Includes FREE Teamrender/Rendernode for inhouse use rendering
- perpetual LIFETIME license + All 1.x updates FREE
EULA info: Dear User, with the normal end-user license, you can create and use any surfaces in any amount for any of your own use and own inhouse projects. Please note that according to the EULA for creating commercial 3rd party / selling texture libraries, or offer such products for download, free or paid to others, you will need a special producer license and a contract with us. In case you are interested in that, email us please direct with information.
"Q_TilePro" our Pinterest Board [excerpt]
On the right side you see one of our Tile pro Pinterest reference collections. It shows well the many usage possibilities for Q-Tile Pro- as one can see a many surfaces from real world are made of repeating elements or structures that are randomly/non repeating. In theory you would need something like Q-Tile-Pro for more or less every rendered surface:)
Below our series of “making of/ help video” will be posted, with step by step explanations how you can use Q-Tile-Pro in best was, and how its workflow is. For the next weeks 6+ videos will come showing Q-TILE-PRO with various render engines like Corona, V-ray, Octane or Redshift, and in various uses, for tiled and also “structure-less” surfaces and Materials! today the first video
Short headline
Q-Tile Pro help video: Getting started with basics 1
Step by Step Guide, Tile Editor, shapes, GUI, basic settings
Short headline
Q-Tile Pro help video: endless non repeating tex
Endless structureless surfaces, Tile pro using Octane, V-Ray, Corona & RS
Short headline
Q-Tile Pro help video: Corona brickwall example
Q-Tile Pro | making bricks example using Corona v5 and its news 2.5D displacement!
Short headline
Q-Tile Pro v1.2, comes with an new additional tool, called QTP SOFTPATCH. it generates seamless, visually endless surfaces, also for huge areas, out of structure less or light structured texture (like asphalt, plaster, concrete, pebbles, gravel, sand, water, natural stone surfaces, marble etc)
Step by Step Guide, Tile Editor, shapes, GUI, basic settings
Short headline
fast and simple example of Q-TILE-PRO in action to make a nice metal facade with perforated tiles. no textures are used at all for this material (all plain Q-tile-pro)
Endless structureless surfaces, Tile pro using Octane, V-Ray, Corona & RS
Short headline
Q-TILE-PRO with V-Ray and displacement, generating a natural wooden terrace floor with nice variation, out of one single wood bitmap!
Q-Tile Pro | making bricks example using Corona v5 and its news 2.5D displacement!
Please see and subscribe to our new Youtube channel for Q-TILE-PRO,
here we collect all old, new and future videos:
Q-TILE-PRO youtube channel
- We now offer also the QTPro SOFTPATCH plugin as separate option
- Create 'endless', visually non repeating, seamless, non-tiled surfaces in ONE CLICK
- Can be upgraded for 129.- to the full Q-TILE-PRO bundle
- perpetual license + all 1.x updates FREE
Q-TILE-PRO [All included]
- Reduced QTP BUNDLE Price of 99.- (Special]
- Includes TILEPRO
- Includes SOFTPATCH
- Includes Deform shader
- Includes extra shape libraries with 400+ shapes & QTP starter shader presets*
- Includes FREE Teamrender/Rendernode for inhouse use rendering
- perpetual LIFETIME license + All 1.x updates FREE
TEX MEGA Bundle- Get both, GEO-texture plugin AND the Q-TILE-PRO plugin, at a greatly reduced price!
- Includes FREE Teamrender/Rendernode for inhouse use rendering
- perpetual LIFETIME license + All 1.x updates FREE